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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

MoRnInG SiCkNeSs

Entry aku kali ni nak share tentang MORNING SICKNESS...hehe..
actually,bukan pasal aku la..tapi pasal org2 yang sedang mengalaminya...
Hurmm...bunyi macam teruk je kan...akan dialami oleh perempuan yang mengandung...sometimes,ada jugak la yang terlepas dari benda ni,ada yang terkena pada suami jugak...
teruk sangat ke yer..mcm mna orng perempuan yang bekerja nak face semua ni ya..mesti pressure kan..dengan tekanan kerja lagi..rumah lagi...wahhh...
aku post sikit pasal morning sickness kat sini...

Morning sickness, also called nausea gravidarum, nausea, vomiting of pregnancy (emesis gravidarum or NVP), or pregnancy sickness is a condition that affects more than half of all pregnant women. Related to increased estrogen levels, a similar form of nausea is also seen in some women who use hormonal contraception or hormone replacement therapy. Sometimes it is present in the early hours of the morning and reduces as the day progresses. The nausea can be mild or induce actual vomiting, however, not severe enough to cause metabolic derangement. In more severe cases, vomiting may cause dehydration, weight loss, alkalosis and hypokalemia. This condition is known as hyperemesis gravidarum and occurs in about 1% of all pregnancies. Nausea and vomiting can be one of the first signs of pregnancy and usually begins around the 6th week of pregnancy (counting gestational age from 14 days before conception). In spite of its common name, it can occur at any time of the day, and for most women it may stop around the 12th week of pregnancy.

  • An increase in the circulating level of the hormone estrogen. Estrogen levels may increase by up to a hundredfold during pregnancy.[1] However, there is no consistent evidence of differences in estrogen levels and levels of bilirubin between women who experience sickness and those who don't.[2]
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) due to the placenta draining energy from the mother, though studies have not confirmed this.[3]
  • An increase in progesterone relaxes the muscles in the uterus, which prevents early childbirth, but may also relax the stomach and intestines, leading to excess stomach acids and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • An increase in human chorionic gonadotropin. It is probably not the human chorionic gonadotropin itself that causes the nausea. More likely it is the human chorionic gonadotropin stimulating the maternal ovaries to secrete estrogen which in turn causes the nausea.[4]
  • An increase in sensitivity to odors, which overstimulates normal nausea triggers.
  • An increase in Bilirubin levels due to increased Liver enzymes.
  • Lemons, particularly the smelling of freshly cut lemons.
  • Avoiding an empty stomach.
  • Accommodating food cravings and aversions.
  • Eating five or six small meals per day, rather than three large ones.
  • Eating fruits and vegetables high in water content, e.g., tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe, grapefruit, strawberries, lettuce, spinach, zucchini, grapes, etc.[16]
  • Eating cabbage.[17]
  • Trying the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce, toast and tea.[18]
  • Ginger, in capsules, tea, ginger ale, or ginger snaps.[19] Prepare ginger tea by putting ginger shreds in a glass of hot water. Take sips of the tea until nausea is relieved. Ginger candy and capsules are also great alternatives to stop nausea. [20]
  • Eating dry crackers in the morning. Some women benefit from eating crackers before rising out of bed in the morning.
  • Drinking liquids 30 to 45 minutes after eating solid food.
  • If liquids are vomited, sucking ice cubes made from water or fruit juice or trying lollipops.
  • Vitamin B6 (either pyridoxine or pyridoxamine) usually taken as a combination with the antihistamine doxylamine.This combination is available as the prescription drug Diclectin in Canada. In the United States this combination can be recreated by using Vitamin B6 along with over-the-counter Unisom SleepTabs (not SleepGels or SleepMelts). Also available in the United States is an over-the-counter product called B-natal, a combination of vitamin B6 and sugar available as a flavored lollipop or lozenge.

ini sedikit info yang dapat aku bagi..bukan apa,sebagai org yang berada dekat2 dgn mereka2 yang mengalami nie,kena hati2 sikit..hormon tak stabil la katakan...walaupun kita yang stress sebab menjaga hati org2 nie,bersabarla buat sementara waktu...huhuhu...moga aku tak kena benda nie nanti...amin...hehehe

Monday, 16 May 2011

CuTi wEsAk!!! yeay...yeay...yeay...

Wah..harinie sehari keje..lepastu esok cuti semula...
so happy...walaupun hari rabu kena masuk keje balik...rasa macam tak puas jer cuti...huhuhu...

Apa aku nak buat ek cuti esok...rasanyer duduk rumah je kot sambil menyiapkan kerja yang bos bagi...tapi tak pernah2 siap...malang sungguh bos aku dapat aku as pekerjanya...hehehe...

aktiviti lain maybe tido n makan2 kot...tapi plan dengan housemate nak tengok hindi movie..cte dolu2...:)
mesti best...lepak2 sambil layan movie even movie dah  berlapuk...

malam ni pun boleh tido lambat sebab esok cuti!!!!!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


""""sedih..sedih..dan sedih...punyerla semngat aku harinie untuk pergi derma darah..tapi last2 kena reject..kecewa tue mcm kena reject dgn lelaki jer...hurmm...dengan yakinnya aku ingat boleh lepas even masa timbang tadi takot2 jugak coz takot berat ku bawah 45..hehehe..bila timbang jer..45.5..taoi aku tipu akak tu,cakap 46..hehe..jahat tol..then kena tambah lagi,jauh lagi la..jadi 49..

aku happy coz syarat utk berat dah lepas..bila nak test darah plak,hemoglobin aku tak cukup.......mula2 aku tak paham coz akak tu cakap tak boleh derma..sgt2 konpius..then,dia kata bacaan kena 12.5 and above...tapi aku punya 12.1 jer..ala...kurang 4 jer..huhuhu...aku tanya akak tu kenapa jadi mcm tue,dia cakap mybe kurang makan makanan mcm tue,ataupun baru lpas period or nak period...huhuhu...

sedih yang teramat....semangat dah takder dah..lpas nie kna berhati2 la..byk makan makanan yang boleh tambah darah...patotla mlm semalam aku mimpi tengah period...rupanye petanda tak cukup darah..hehehe..memandai jer aku nie...

whatever pun,lpas nie aku akan usaha lagi..."""

"""cukup setahun"""

ya tuhan..mengatuknyer petang nie..
kalau hari2 mcm nie boleh gila aku..
huhuhu..bangun jam 6 pagi...keluar pergi kerja 6.45..sampai ofis 7.30 pg..
dtg lewat ckit nanti jam plak..terpaksa la aku..nak buat mcm mana kan..

entry kali nie just nak share dengan u all semua..beberapa hari lepas,cukupla setahun aku kerja kat company nie..pejam celik dah setahun..mcm tak percaya jer..huhuhu...teringat aku masa first day lapor diri..gelabag betol..masa tue berpura2 ramah coz awl2 masuk takkan nak sombong kan...hihi...

lepas lapor diri kat HR dan diberi sedikit taklimat psl bank nie,aku di bawa jumpa bos aku...jeng..jeng..jeng...debar2 plak..takot kalau dpt bos yang garang kan..masuk jer bilik bos besar,barula ku kenal bos ku itu..

lepas tu aku dikenalkan plak ker kwn2 satu department n seterusnyer pergi ke department2 lain..ada 4 level semuanya...penat msa tue coz nak kena perkenalkan diri 1 by best coz dpt kenal rmai org..ingat masa tu jer..after that dah tak ingat..hehehe..

hope dpt berkhidmat lama kat bank nie...walaupun dlm hati ada rasa nak resign and buat business sendiri....:)

Monday, 9 May 2011

KeTeNaNgAn yAnG dIcAri

"lama   betul tak update dalam blog nie..
maklumla,macam-macam benda yang kena buat dalam minggu nie..huhuhu..
whatever pun,sekarang ni aku boleh bernafas dan happy sikit compare dgn life before nie..weeeee..
insyaAllah benda nie takkan berulang lagi..sangat2 trauma mendapat housemate mcm dulu..hope yang baru ni akan okey first impression,aku tgk okey..tapi first impression tu tak semetinya betul kan..wait n see sajalah..
mcm manala dengan budak2 yang ganti tempat aku tue..mesti stress duduk dlm rumah tue..hehehe..kalau diorang pun perngai mcm tue,msti diorang happy kot...
bila dah pindah nie,rasa tenang sangat2..yela,aku tak perlu lagi jadi bibik mengemas rumah,mop lantai dan seumpamanyer..huhuhu..duduk dengan family pun tak macam tue..moga aku dapat bertahan lama kat tempat baru nie..cuma akan penat sikit la sebab kna bangun awl utk pergi kerja..tapi benda nie akan melatih aku utk bangun pagi...hehehe.."
jumpa lagi......